Tag Archives: divorce
Divorce Parties on the Rise
It is not uncommon for families to spend enormous amounts of money celebrating a wedding day. It has been less common for people to spend money on, or even celebrate, their divorce. However, that trend is changing as divorce parties … Continue reading
Dealing With Abuse and Divorce
Unfortunately, many divorces filed in Utah are the result of, or involve, some form of abuse. Often parties to a divorce action are also parties to a protective order, domestic violence charge, or civil stalking injunction. Victim’s of abuse some … Continue reading
US Supreme Court Temporarily Stops Gay Marriages in Utah
Gay Marriage In Utah The issue of gay marriage has taken many twists and turns in Utah over the past few weeks. A few days before the Christmas holiday, Judge Robert Shelby of Utah’s Federal District Court ruled that Utah’s … Continue reading
Protective Orders and Divorce
A common scenario we often see with clients contacting our firm is a married couple that is having marital problems and starting down the path to divorce get in a huge fight and shortly thereafter a protective order is filed. … Continue reading